息息说 Seek Seek Stories 是一个自然文化传播平台,为新世代家庭设计和举办优质户外研学休闲活动。鼓励下一代在对世界的亲密接触与观察绘述中,持续思考和探索自然的本质,发现更多与它和谐相处的可能性。息息说专注于汇聚更多家庭、导师、团体和想法,埋下“改变”的种子,创造在自然中重新体验衣食住行育乐的新场域,建构和传播以人和自然为本的家庭教育文化。
项目启动之初,团队内部针对人与自然有多次深入的提问、思考和探讨。人是自然吗?人造物是自然吗?自然的本质为何?合理犯规从一系列的探讨中总结 — 自然并非任何的物质、个体或事件。一只蚂蚁不是自然,一棵树不是自然,山川和晴雨也并非自然。自然的本质是万事万物之间的“关系”。一瓶矿泉水不是单纯的一件商品。水从何来?瓶子从何来?过程中经过了哪些地方?经过哪些人的手?我们消费完之后它们又去向何处?人也一样,人与人之间的情和关系千丝万缕,这些才是自然的本质。若世界上只有相互无关的个体,自然并不存在。这也正是息息说希望通过各种的活动、课程让参与的家庭切身体会到的。
最初息息说设定的挑战是如何为下一代描绘出人与自然更好的未来和关系并加以引导,但我们也在项目推进的过程中达成共识 — 未来的故事,让孩子们去说。息息说要做的并不是说教,而是带着孩子和家长们在探索自然的过程中,自己发现人与自然息息相关,并通过言语、创作表达人与自然之间的关系,乃至未来促进人与自然的和谐共处。息息说的名字和标语 — “谈天论地 聊自然”也由此而来。
Seek Seek Stories is a natural culture platform that provides high-quality outdoor experiential learning and leisure activities for families. It encourages the next generation to explore the nature of nature, and discovering more possibilities for harmonious coexistence with it. Seek Seek Stories focuses on planting the seeds of "change," and promoting a family education culture based on a more profound relationship between people and nature.
From brand strategy, bilingual naming, tagline, logo, visual system to custom typeface, FAIRFOUL worked with the Seek Seek Stories team to create a brand that we hope our children can grow up with.
The team explored in depth on the relationship between human beings and nature. Is a human part of nature? Are man-made objects part of nature? What is the essence of nature? We concluded that nature is not any material, individual, or event. An ant is not nature, a tree is not nature, and mountains, rivers, and weather are not nature either. The nature of nature is the "relationship" between all things. A bottle of mineral water is not just a simple commodity. Where does the water come from? Where does the bottle come from? What places did it go through? Whose hands did it go through? Where does the water go after we consume them? People are the same. The emotions and relationships between people are intertwined. If there are only individuals who are not related to each other in the world, then nature does not exist. This is also what Seek Seek Stories hopes to facilitate joining families to experience.
Initially, the challenge was to depict a better future and relationship between humans and nature. But we came to realize that it was not for us to do, but for the children's. They should be the ones telling the stories of the future. Seek Seek Stories is not here to preach, but to guide families to discover the connection between humans and nature, and express the relationship through language and creation, so that they could one day promote harmonious coexistence between them. Hence the name and tagline of Seek Seek Stories.